
Parochial Church Council

The Parochial Church Council (P.C.C.) has the responsibility of co-operating with the incumbent, The Reverend Ian Bullock, in promoting in the ecclesiastical Parish the whole mission of the Church, pastoral, evangelistic, social and ecumenical. It also has maintenance responsibilities for St Stephens’s Church.

The method of appointment of P.C.C. members is set out in the Church Representation Rules. All Church attendees are encouraged to register on the Electoral Roll and stand for election to the P.C.C.

You can find out more about the roles and responsibilities of the elected members here.

The P.C.C. meets bi-monthly to discuss all matters relating to governance of the church.

Standing Committee

On the alternating month, the Standing Committee, the only committee required by law, meets. It has power to transact the business of the P.C.C. between its meetings, subject to any directions given by the council. It also meets to discuss other matters to be put before the P.C.C. and prepare the agenda.

The Incumbent and Churchwardens are Ex-Officio members and then other lay members are elected at the first P.C.C. meeting after the APCM to serve for one year.

P.C.C. members and their representatives carry out their work voluntarily and are not paid for their services, and we are grateful for all the time they give to the church.

P.C.C. Membership 2024-2025
ChairThe Reverend Ian Bullock*Ex-Officio
ChurchwardensMr Bruce Dalgleish*Ex-Officio
Mr Peter Lavine*Ex-Officio
Miss Pam Mercer*Ex-Officio
Mrs Barbara Sessford*Ex-Officio
Associate PriestsThe Reverend Wayne Phillips**Ex-Officio
The Reverend Kate Reynolds**Ex-Officio
The Reverend Rod Walker**Ex-Officio
The Reverend Mark Watkins**Ex-Officio
P.C.C. SecretaryMrs Vivienne Smales*(Not a member of the P.C.C.)
TreasurerMrs Sam Hutton(Not a member of the P.C.C.)
Electoral RollMr Bevel Edwards(Not a member of the P.C.C.)
Deanery SynodMrs Jill ClaphamEx-Officio
Mrs Barbara SessfordEx-Officio
SafeguardingMrs Christine Brown(Not a member of the P.C.C.)
Elected Members
To 2025
Dr Sonia Atkin
Mrs Joan Taylor
To 2026
Mrs Lynne Davis
Mrs Karen Glynn*
Mr David Leigh*
Mr Frank Ward
To 2027
Mrs Susanna Farnham
Mr Ulric Murray
Mr Anthony Williams
Mr Ian Wood

Total on Electoral Roll = 142 = 12 Elected Members

*Denotes members of the Standing Committee

**As Clergy licensed to The Benefice of Pontefract, they have the right to attend all P.C.C. meetings, but in practice this doesn’t always happen.

Dates of P.C.C. / Standing Committee Meetings

P.C.C.Standing Committee
January 202514th
February 202511th
March 2025APCM 9th at 10.15 a.m.In St Giles’
April 20258th
May 20256th
June 20253rd
July 20258th
August 20255th
September 20252nd
October 202530th September
November 20254th
December 20259th

P.C.C. Meetings will be held at 7.00 p.m. in church (unless otherwise stated)

Standing Committee Meetings will be held in church at 9.00 a.m. (unless otherwise stated)