If you need to contact a priest urgently (especially if someone is dying), please ring or email:
Fr Ian Bullock – Vicar of Pontefract
Tel: 01977 706803 (Please leave a message of there is no answer)
E-Mail fr.ian@cofe-pontefract.co.uk
Please Note Fr Ian’s rest day is Monday, so messages may not be picked up until the day after.
The Reverend Mark Watkins – Associate Priest, Benefice of Pontefract
Tel: 01977 600207 (Please leave a message of there is no answer)
E-Mail wattycm@me.com
Please Note Rev’d Mark’s rest day is Friday, so messages may not be picked up until the day after.
If you have more general enquiries, please use our Contact Form, which will ensure that your enquiry is directed to the appropriate person.