St Giles 3:16
St Giles’ 3:16 is our children and young people’s group that meets during our 10:15 Sunday Service at St Giles’ Church. It is for those aged 3 to 16 years old.
We have our own room where we learn about God, Jesus and all the special people in the Bible. We also have our own special prayers (some of them have lots of silly actions). We have even written our own Lord’s prayer! We have lots of different fun activities, we design posters and pictures, we act our stories from the Bible and play games that help us to learn about all God’s people. Everyone loves it when we come back into church and tell them what we have been doing and what we have learned.
We would LOVE you to come and join us and share in the fun.
There is no age limit so if you have a baby brother or sister they can come with you. Your Mummy or Daddy can come as well.
We come back into church in time for our blessing and so our parents can take communion.
For further information please contact us.

Messy Church at St Mary’s
Messy Church is a monthly event for people of all ages, taking place at St Mary’s Church, in St Mary’s Community Centre, Chequerfield, Pontefract.
It includes crafts and other activities; an informal service with music, storytelling and prayer; and free shared food.
Messy Church takes place from 4pm on the third Sunday of every month
Children very welcome (please bring a grown up!)
For more information, email stgileschurchpontefract@gmail.com, or contact Fr Sam Fletcher on 07938 517350

Looking for something to do and somewhere to go with your baby and/or toddler? Why not come and join us at our Tiddlywinks Group?
We meet in St Giles’ Church every Thursday at 10:30am until 11:45am, during school term times only. Babies & Toddlers up to pre-school age, along with mums, dads, grandparents and carers are all most welcome.
To learn more about Tiddlywinks, click here.